Wednesday, March 23, 2005

hmm...hmm...what is that for actually...??

hmm.. I see it everytime but I still don't know what it is. What is "Konditioner"??

The life here in Bruchsal is very simple and peaceful. In other word.... "BORING!!!" So to make myself occupied and active, I joined a health club in my town. I go to the health club every day after working...
(What?? So motivated?? boh pian wat....or else stay at home grow mushroom meh.??)

So.... What can one do in the health club?? Well, one can do something healthy there. hehehehe.. ok ok. There are gyms, sauna, steam room, super cold pool, massage, outdoor volleyball, lake, garten, restaurant,...and .. ya... german chicks....young and old. :D

So....let's get back to the main topic.... what is " Konditioner".....
is it the conditioner that we use for washing hair? 1st I thought it is.... but..... it is located by the basin, where we wash hand, (not hair pls...)

There are 3 bottles. One is Seife (soap), Lotion and ... "Konditioner".

Why is there a bottle of conditioner by the basin? weird....

I asked a man there and he said.... Das ist wie Gel, fuer deine Haare. "That's like Gel for your hair" Ok then... I wet my hair and applied the gel on my hair.


AIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It feels like shampoo... what the ****. I took shower AGAIN and when I checked out, I asked a german girl on duty about what Konditioner is.
Jason: Ich hab eine Frage. In der Dusche am Basin gibt es eine Flasche, die Konditioner heisst.Kannst du mir sagen, was das ist?
( I have a question. there is a Conditioner bottle by the basin in the wash room. Could you tell me what that is?)
Girl: Das ist fuer deine Haare. ( That is for your hair) (DUH!! of course I know that!!!)
Jason: Wofuer? Ist das ein Shampoo oder.. Gel. ( For what? is that shampoo or... gel..?)
Girl: Gel. (gel)
Today is not april fool right? Maybe the gel (Made in Germany) is different.
I will try again tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Hi Jason!

I can tell you what a Konditioner is. But first I know, that you much take care of your health. Sure this is quite good, but do not get obsessed with advisory health products. They are expensive and often useless.
When I come to Bruchsal you will have to show me your health club. (hopefully it is for free!)
Well, let me tell you what a Konditioner is: it is gel!! :D


Javier Lopez said...

Gel??? then Why do they call it konditioner?
heheehhe.... then what is the german word for conditioner?

I will ask if members can bring guest.
Hopefully is free. But not likely. If have to pay, you still wanna go?

Javier Lopez said...

Hey Jasmine

Yupe. He is the one,a chinese german. If I am not mistaken, he is still single and very much available. Are you interested? I don't mind helping you to make an appointment with him...

maybe... who knows...that he might be your man!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, what am I supposed to say?! You both are flattering me.

From Javier's comment one can infer he is actually the one who is pretty interested. I think he is definitely the right one for you, Jasmine!!


Javier Lopez said...

haha Jasmine.. you know.. Khon rather to keep himself misterious, so that no one can know him or meet him unless through appointment. :P .... that's why...

Orang Malaysia..Malaysia boleh!!!
Tapi saya sudah lupa saya punya bahasa melayu!! Apabila saya cakap BM, saya akan campurnya dengan Jerman... teruk.. teruk...tolong tolong!!

Javier Lopez said...

Hey Jasmine~~

hehehe i am working with my blog rather than my real office work. Now I am in the office in Siemens.

Well, Javier is my ''real' Spanish name given by a good friend of mine from Mexico. My full Spanish name is Javier .. Lopez!!

ok. My real real name is Jason Ooi.

For Khon's full name... is rather confusing :P.. something khon giang guang.. or something like that..

I will let Khon himself to do his own introduction.

Hey Khon!! Introduce yourself quick!!:D

Anonymous said...

How dare you two talk about me behind my back?!

Let me introduce myself: My full name is Quang, Kien Khon. This is not as complicated as "Jason Wang Pei" or "Javier....Lopez". What's yours, Jasmine?

I did not know, that malaysian is written in riddles. This is fascinating to me.

The reason why I haven't got my own account is simply I never came to the idea to open one. But I can do this, if I would like to....and if I somehow get motivated. :-)


Javier Lopez said...

Hey Jas,

What are you currently studying? Are you doing master or ?

By the way, do reply this message in another comment box. Too many comment in this journal :O

Mr Mackey, the school counsellor from Southpark wanna tell you something:
" Jas... Lazy is.. bad.. o~k~~...must get motivated..o~k~~"