One day I was with a orthopedist( a doctor who is specialiasing in bone)
orthopedist: Hmm... the X-ray shows that you are suffering torsion scoliosis.
Jason: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jason: ...
Jason: What is ...torsion ..what... sco...sis?
orthopedist: Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. You should visit physiotherapy. Let me write a precription for you.
hhm... what a jackpot..
Perhaps you might be interested, why I would go and visit the doctor at the 1st place. All this happened since Last year November............
(flash back....)
(flash back...)
(flash back...)
Last November while I was at Nicholas and Benjamin's( 2 exchanged student from NUS) hostel in Munich, waiting for Ben to go for fitness training. I was squatting down to get something but didnt realised that behind me there was a staircase and........ BANG!!! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHHH!!!!
I hurt my lower back by knocking the corner edge of the staircase. My both legs were numb for a moments and my lower back was aching. I rest for a while and went for fitness training anyway.
I didnt see a doctor because I was thinking that the pain would go away after few weeks. Besides, I was facing financial difficulty. Till now (End of April) the pain is still there when I seat on a sofa, in a plane, car or sitting with some particular postures.
Finally I decided to visit a doctor. I paid €10 for the 1st visit ( the rest is covered by insurance).
I told the doctor what happened and he sent me for X Ray. When the X Ray result came, then he found out that I am suffering another problem, torsion scoliosis.
I was asked to visit physiotherapie and.... that's all.
I asked....
Jason: How did I get this.... torsion scoliosis? was it caused by the injuries?
orthopedist: No. It might have happened since you were born or during your puberty.
Jason: Any side effect? so far it doesnt cause me any trouble. Then what is the use of the physiotherapy?
orthopedist: It might make your bone stronger.
Jason: What about my lower back? ( He forgot totally about my lower back.... purposely, I think) How can this physiotherapy help my injured lower back?
Orthopedist: It might help.....
Jason: -_-' (what the....)
Ok I think this doctor doesnt even know what to do with my lower back. I think I should visit another doctor.
Then I made an appoitment with the physiotherapist and she did a physical body measurement for me and found out that:
physiotherapist: hmm... your left side of your back has more muscle than your right side.
and.... your left leg is longer than your right leg....
Jason:..... (-_-')
physiotherapist: Normally people's right leg is longer than the left leg.
Jason: ( ha ha... I am not the only one.... :D)
Then she taught me 2 exercises which I should do at home just before I sleep. Which I think it doesnt make any sense. The instructions are not clear. Afraid that I might make it worse.
The worst thing of all is... I NEED TO PAY ANOTHER €18 FOR THE THERAPIE!!!
Anyway, my next appointment is on this coming friday. ( 5 more appointments to go)
Just to think about it, I realised that I could be actually taller than what I am now (if my spine doesnt curve). Now I am 179cm, I could be ...perhaps 185cm ???
Hey Jason,
Try reading up more on scoliosis to get an idea of what your body is going through. You're already very physically active which is a good thing overall eventhough you found out this later in life (I think most scoliosis are identified in adolescence). The physiotherapy should be able to help. In any case, scoliosis is treatable and not life-threatening.
Take care & Keep us updated!
God Bless You!
I knew you were somehow crippled.
I had scopliosis too. We are brothers in disease...
It doesnt do me any harm so far. But when I am old, I am not sure.
But my lower back is still aching.. when I am typing this message.
ich hab's gerade gelesen und.... ja, das ist Pech mit deine Rückprobleme. Ich bin arm... also habe ich noch nicht den Arzt besucht.. aber wahrschienlich habe ich auch viele Problem.
so was machst du jetzt? die Übung, dass sie dir empfohlen haben? und EUR18 für alle 6 Therapie?
EUR18 fuer ein Term zur physiotherepie. Wie EUR10 zum Artz
Ja, mache ich die Uebungen. Aber wirklich sinnlos. schau mer mal..
ja, ich hatte Problem mit meinem Rück früher. Sie haben mir auch gesagt, die Problem ist, dass ich mehr Muskel an einer Seit als die andere habe. Es tut mir noch weh, aber es ist nicht zu schlecht, also mache ich nichts. naja, manchmal bekomme ich Massage, und mache ich gar nicht anderes. kein Geld.
Ich auch mit meinem Knie früher Problem gehabt. Sie haben empholen, dass ich mehr "Fitness", um meine Knie straker zu machen, aber.. ich habe gar nicht gemacht. naja, nach ein paar Jahr, ist es weg gegangen.
so... kann ein Artzt mir helfen.... wenn ich zu faul bin?? hmmmm
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