Wednesday, April 20, 2005

La Sangria~~My favourite Spanish beverage

This is my favourite drink. It is called " Sangria"

It was recommended by one of my spanish friend while I was in Barcelona. It is a type of fruity wine with about 7% of alcohol. Since then I would order this drink where ever I traveled within spain even back in Germany.

The best Sangria I have tasted is still the 1st one in Barcelona. It is sweeter and thicker. The rest is very waterry.

This bottle of Sangria I bought last week in Aldi supermarket. !.5Liter costs just €1,15. Compared to the 1 Liter I order in spain costed about €7.

This bottle of Sangria reminds me the wonderful dreamy time I spent in spain... even though it tastes not as nice as the one in Barcelona. But is the cheapests and the best I could find..



Anonymous said...

Jason, hast du versucht, Sangria selbst zu machen? Viele Spanier machen es zu Hause. Vielleicht kannst du "Jason's Special" machen. Es ist ganz einfact... und billig

vielleicht können wir es machen, wenn wir in Juni Erlangen sind.

Javier Lopez said...

Noch nicht. Weisst du, wie man das macht?

Javier Lopez said...

haha gerne!!

Ich trinke die Sangria jeden Tag und jetzt ist sie fast leer. Morgen werde ich sie nochmal kaufen!!