Thursday, May 12, 2005

Escaping from a smaller city to a much much smaller city!!

One day Benjamin drove me to another small town near by. The name of the town: Untergrombach

There is a baroque church on top on the hill (Michael Hill) of Untergrombach.

The scenary is very breathtaking... If my stay here, I will definately cycle there everyday, like what I usually do while I was in Penang, cycling up to pear hill. Of course this hill is 2 or 3 times higher..Would be quite exhausting...

Me MeMEME!!!!!

The sun... is.. setting actually

The night view of the town from the top.

We were actually lost our way in the jungle at the hill. Ben and I were joking that if we were really newspaper, then they would be a big news headline the next day : A German with his japanese friend lost in a small town!!

Why japanese? because to the people here, every chinese looking people from Asia is from Japan.

Once happened before Clement, hong kee from Canada, Jorge, a mexican and I, from Malaysia were speaking in English ( as usual). A german came to us and asked

German: Why do you japanese speak english with each other???

1 comment:

kakikopi said...

wow wow wow wow...

and about asians being mistaken for being japanese, it's true and it happens everywhere, australia as well. no one asked if we're from malaysia, singapore, china etc, but "are you japanese?"

do we really look japanese or does it go to show that westerners learn limited geography?
~no offence~