The 1th of May, Labour day. In german, it is der Tag der Arbeit, also known as..
Instead of resting or slacking at home, the germans have parties everywhere and anywhere.
On Saturday and Sunday (30th April and 1st May) I have visited 5 parties. 3 parties on saturday night and 2 parties on sunday.
The culture goes like it...
They pitch up tents everywhere in different towns, drink biers, BBQ and play games. And others will cycle, walk or (by truck ) from town to town to visit the party.

A big group heading to parties!!!!
Then they will park their bikes and adjourn for... FOOD!!!

Tent open to public
For me, I didnt visit the public party. but privates one. Benjamin the Zimmermann.. also known as Benjamin the room man :P hehehehe... (nur ein Witz) invited me to visit his GF(Sarah) 's brother's 18 Bday party, his younger brother's labour day party, his eldest brother's labour day party and his church's labour day party.

Eating and drinking under the tents or shade

From left: Benjamin, Sarah, and her Father, the BBQ man


My appetizer... AFter this one, I had a 3 times bigger steak. (Sorry no photo because the temptation of eating the steak is too strong)

Cheesy BBQ ...or BBQy Cheese (Just Cheese)

Turkish Appetizer (Papprika, olive, cheese...)

Drinks Sales Girls: It is a MUST to drink beer during summer. Here you are ..thank you. and €1.50 please...
The parents are quite very smart... They keep their children busy selling drinks but they are enjoying them selves out there... heheheheeh :D
Fun Time!!

Most of the parents would sit, eat, drink and chat. While the younger ones would enjoy themselve playing volley ball. Some active parents join the game as well. And they form a team which they call "Old" man team, (above 20) against "young" man team (below 20). Of course the old man team won as in the young man team mostly were under 15 year old.
hhhmmm Bully children.

(Me in the picture with Batik Pant)
Javier: Look at my Ultraman super power!!! Tu Tu Tu Tu......

Actually this land is belonged to a church member and he owns this truck( for sowing). He took the kids a ride by the truck. hhaahaa It is really fun. I was in the truck too!! The journey was very shaky.... ass pain....

This is Sarah and Benjamin. The most loyal Couple I have ever met.

Oh no!!! What happen? I think I should keep back the words I just said... :P heheheh ... help!!!
Then at night there was camp fire, where we BBQ again...We did BBQ pizza, which we used Alu foil, put starch on the foil and then tomato paste, then ham, salami, champineon ... Then wrapped it and threw in ..."THE RING.... OF FIRE!!!!" (from Finding Nemo)

Ta Da~~~ My BBQ Pizza :D (No fully cooked though)

Then Ben and I cycled to another party!! (about 10km away). His elder Bro had another party. This piece of land belongs to his dad. Mr senior ZimmerMann

Ops.... the fire might be a bit too big for BBQ.... Now it functions as heater.

This river... functions as a natural fridge. Why??

Ok....That's all for the weekend. Now I am super tired and exhauted, darker than before (Now I am even darker than my indian house mate..unbelievable) but nonetheless, I really had a great time~~~!!!
ops...need to go to the toilet... too much beer during the party...
Wah.. think when you come back to SG, you will have put on some pounds he he :)
hahaha, my weight so far is still the same eh....
es sieht aus wie du hattest ein schönes Wochenende. Ich bin froh, dass du einen guten Freund gefunden hast. Ich bin sicher, dass deine Deutsch viel verbessert hat.
es ist schade, dass die Labour Day am Sonntag war. Ich habe gehört, normalerweise gibt es größer Feier dafür.
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