Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Allergy Test

Before the nose operation, the doctor asked me to go through a test for allergy. This test can detect 30 types of allergies. 1st the nurse numbered from 1 to 15 on my right arm and then 16 to 30 on my left arm.

Then on every number she droped different allergy liquids and then poked my arm where the liquids were located with a needle.

30 minutes later if there is a red mark at the respective number, that means I have the allergy.
The result showed that I have 2 types of allergies. Dust allergies.
As expected since young, that my nose is quite sensitive with dust.

Anyway, at least now it is confirmed that my nose is sensitive towards dust.
Must keep my room very very clean now... :(


Anonymous said...

Hey you didn´t tell us about your other allergic!!... Why? It was something bad?. Are you alergic to germans????... or to little chineses?

Anonymous said...

Oh shit! Dust allergies????. That are two allergies on one???... I am confused AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Javier Lopez said...

ja... two of them are about dusts....
dont have to be confused.. :D
They are just dust..

Anonymous said...


You have a nice blog. I just thought of mentioning about this website They seem to offer specialized advice of dust mites allergies.