Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The last day with Siemens

Well well well.... Today was my last day with Siemens. After working from 3.2.05 till 11.7.05...
The time passed damn fast.

The department had a small farewell party for me.

The group!!

She was my supervisor in the department

My Boss passed me gifts.

It group was from another department.

They are the secretaries of the departments, who took care of me a lot. They helped me to appeal for an extra accomodation allowance in Siemens (100 euro per month), which was successful, gave me fruits, drinks, cake, chocolate and biscuits...
My sponsored spanish course was also because one of them helping me to ask.

Well, my time in Siemens was fantastic!! Free coffee, cheap and nice food, friendly colleagues...
Now. for me... it was just like a dream...

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