Saturday, July 02, 2005

Nose Operation in Germany... :P

What a experience that I have in Germany during student exchange program... I was just discharged from St Vincentious Hospital in Karlsruhe after being admitted for 8 days for a nose operation.

It was also my 1st time having full anesthesia( in German-Narkose).

23.6 was the day of the operation. All of us in the room have to wake up at 6.30am, the nurse would come and check our temperature and blood pressure. I took a shower and then changed into the surgery suit and waited for my turn for the operation.

It was at 1pm. 2 nurses pushed my bed into the surgery room and I had to changed to another surgery bed. And then another nurse pushed the bed to another room where I saw more doctors and nurses.

One Narkose doctor told me that he was going to insert a needle into my arm and then the other doctor sticked few sensors on my chest to sense my heart beat. Very soon the Narkose doctor said: Now I am going to insert the NArkose. Few seconds later you would be asleep.

Suddenly I felt difficulty on breathing and my eye visions was getting blur. I told the doctors I couldn’t breathe. Then immediately I went unconscious.

The time past very fast as if another few seconds later, I woke up and found myself in the previous ward. When I woke up that time, I remember I asked a nurse, : the operation is over?” She said Yes. Then was at 4pm. My nose was in bandaged. I could only use my mouth to breathe. I rest on my bed…had dinner at 5.30pm..and then sleep again.

The nightmare began at about 9pm. Totally I vomited blood 4 times , had very bad headache, couldn’t sleep the whole night. Was so dizzy. The more I vomited, the more bleeding from my nose. The cotton stick on my nose had to be changed very now and then. The worst thing was, my eyes were bleeding in tears. Basically my whole face was covered with blood.

The whole night I was so thirsty, my mouth was so dry but I couldn’t drink water or else I would vomit. Even without drinking water I vomited anyway. Wah…. That night was so terrible. I kept on calling the nurse to come after vomiting and she would give me another vomit bag, and then give me ice pack to place around my neck so that I wouldn’t feel so hot. The nurse gave me pain killer for my headache. Seriously, it was also my 1st time in my life that I got headache.

The next morning I felt much better. No more vomiting. But my tear was still in red color. My nose was very itching but couldn’t scratch it as it was covered with bandage. Really hope the time would past faster.

Any, the time passed quite fast though.. I have interesting wardmates( one german and another one Italien). We have been chatting the whole day for few days, we watched DVD, Jap anime together ( I had my laptop with me)...

Other than that, I walked around in the hospital and I saw...

The helicopter is like ambulance. gaya.....

Other than that, what did I do in the hospital? I cycled out from the hospital to the old city to do some sightseeing and shopping. I found a piano shop and spent about 1hour to play their piano and I bought 2 piano books and 1 CD. heheheeh

My stay in the hospital I felt that I was on my holiday or in some training camp... I could go anyway I want ( of course I must not let the nurses know about it) and we(my wardmates and I) watched movie till midnight...

Anyway, it is another weird experience that an exchange student would get.



Anonymous said...

We are glad that it is now over. Looking back, it would seemed like a bad dream. Did it really happen? Of course, we know it did. Khon went to visit you. So he would be the only eyewitness. We hope you can now breathe better. God bless.

kakikopi said...

finally you're out. it was shocking to 'hear' from you thru sms that you were bleeding everywhere. but thank God it is now over.

by the way, you're not bad in a dress ;)

Javier Lopez said...

of course I look good in dress. Without dress look even better.. :D