The baptism was held at the lake of Untergrombach. Click the title: The reborn of Jason to see some photos of the lake.
Miracle happened on that day itself. The weather report said that it would rain the whole day from the early morning. Yupe... it rained the whole morning, the whole sky was full of dark cloud. I was thinking : hhmm... will they postpone the baptism??
When the ceremony of the baptism started, the sun started shining and the dark cloud started to disappear. WOW!!! The sky became very bright and clear. I couldnt believe it.
So, the people from the church gathering around...
Then every baptism candidates had to give their testinomy, about why they wanna get baptised. For me, I said how I got to know Jesus and why I wanna get baptised.
Below is my testimony.
Jason:Mein Name ist Jason. Ich bin aus Malaysia und bin in Bruchsal wegen eines studenten Austauschprogrames. Ich bin Christ seit ich 17 Jahre alt bin und davor war ich buddhist.
Aber leider hat meine Mutter abgesagt. Sie hat gesagt, dass ich warten soll bis ich 21 bin.
Also.... ich habe mit meinen Eltern darueber gesprochen und es war ueberraschend, dass sie mich unterstuetzen .
Das ist aber schade, dass meine Eltern jetzt nicht bei mir sind. Aber zumindest sind meine Freunde von der Gemeinde und von Tuebingen hier fuer mich. Danke Allen!!
The time has arrived, when Jason was prepared to die, and rise again.
(Just about to die :P)
(Jason is reborn!!!)
The water was cold... no joke....
After the baptism, the pastors went straight in the lake for..for FUN~~!!
After the baptism there was celebration. Since my parents were unfortunately not there, there were 2 families acting to be my family, they prepared food and everything for me.
The two family: Sarah's Parent and Damaris & her Husband. We had BBQ!!!!!!!! STEAK STEAK STEAK!!!
So, all of us adjourned to the house, wherethe BBQ and eating "ceremony" was held.
WAIT!!! who are they?? They are Khon, Heinrich and Benjamin!!
Khon and Heinrich came from Reutlingen and Tuebingen to Bruchsal to witness me going through the water baptism. It was so great that they came over.
We ate and ate, then we went for swimming in the lake. We swam at least few kilometer back and forth from one end to the other end. The lakes in Germany are pretty safe for swimming. Not like in Malaysia, there are snake, crocodile and... ai yeh... I dont know what there are...and of course poisones bacteria...
After swimming we were so exhausted, we went for... ICE CREAM!!!
Yupe.. this photo was taken just before Heinrich and Khon leaving Bruchsal. It is also the last time that I will see Khon and Heinrich.
Well, what should I say... it was too bad that my parents couldnt be there for me during the baptism, at least Benjamin, Sarah, Damaris, Khon and Heinrich were there for me.
thank you
ice cream again... *sob*
As long as one is not yet gone forever (like being dead), there is always a chance that one might meet again. And in this age, the possibilities are great.
I had a friend whom I met when I was in my late teens; when I left England, I never thought I would see him again. But many years later (like about 30 years later) he came to visit me in Penang. And what do you know, a few years later, I was able to visit him (he had moved to New Zealand). Of course we talk about old times. We were only friends for a year then but the way we went on, it seemed like we had known each other forever. (Well, we actually did - we communicated by snail mail over the years; no email then)If you are meant to meet again, you will. It is written. Tata, Bye, etc
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